I just sat down at my computer and saw that a new fearstorm is upon us.
I saw signs of it earlier in the week, and now it has arrived. And so, briefly, I’d like everyone to understand how these things operate.
Firstly, please notice that fearstorms are coordinated; they arrive in terrifying clusters, with more or less every elite-driven bullhorn saying the same thing, playing up the same terrifying “possibilities.”
And notice that your emotional reactions entirely discount “possibilities.”
You’re feeling nearly the same shock you would if the terrors were certain.
Humans have a weakness for that, and the people behind these fearstorms know it.
The goal of a fearstorm is for you to stop thinking rationally and to act reflexively. Fear does that to us, and the people driving fearstorms can conjure more fear any time they want. Imagined fears are infinite, after all. Take out a pad of paper some time, and see how many terrifying things you can come up with in half an hour.
So, if you allow yourself to be tossed about by possibilities, you’ll be tossed about forever.
The people who produce these things know this, and that’s their winning strategy.
Instead of listening to “the news” and reacting to social media (outfits that monetize your fear), use your eyes and ears to see what’s happening in the real, physical world. Has the world you see and hear changed over the last day?
Now, before I send this, I’d like everyone to get this viscerally:
A fearstorm is sucker-punch.
So, why is this hitting today? Perhaps because protests are breaking out in Europe? Perhaps because more vaxxed people are dying than the unvaxxed? Because soccer players are dropping like flies?
I don’t know, but I do know that the world I see hasn’t changed since yesterday… at all.