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More Details About Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Probe Emerge

Earlier this month, we reported on comments made by the lawyer representing Hunter Biden’s “baby mama” (a Texas exotic dancer named Lunden Roberts), who claimed that he would be “surprised” if the younger Biden isn’t indicted in an ongoing tax-evasion probe. The lawyer, Clint Lancaster, said his client had recently testified before the Delaware grand jury empaneled to consider an indictment of the president’s son, and added that – based on the financial information he had seen during Roberts’ child-support case – there was definitely something fishy going on.

And with Hunter’s father, President Biden, having recused himself from all things Hunter, there’s little that can be done to stop an indictment from happening (although the elder Biden could pardon his son should he be convicted – in fact, it’s not out of the question that he could do so after deciding not to run for a second term). Although Hunter reportedly took out a sizable loan to pay off his outstanding tax bill, legal experts have said this doesn’t preclude an indictment.

Now, even more details about the investigation have been made public via a Monday report from the Wall Street Journal, which revealed that investigators are looking into Hunter’s work for Burisma, and also whether he may have also violated laws governing lobbying and business dealings with foreign governments.

On top of this, investigators are also reportedly gathering testimony about the younger Biden’s “state of mind” during 2018, including asking questions about his drug use. Prosecutors are apparently looking into whether these factors could be used by the younger Biden’s legal team as part of its defense.

Apparently, the younger Biden’s struggles with drug abuse – which he detailed in a memoir entitled “Beautiful Things” – have been a subject of discussion by prosecutors, who are concerned that Hunter Biden’s well-documented problems with drug abuse and his efforts to seek treatment could serve as a defense for a potential criminal tax case.

One former federal tax prosecutor who shared his “expert” view with WSJ said that by the sound of it, prosecutors appear to be gathering this testimony with an eye toward a trial.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean an indictment is imminent, but it is indicative of trying to lock in testimony with an eye towards a potential trial someday,” said former federal tax prosecutor Matt Mueller, of the law firm Fogarty Mueller Harris.

Prosecutors have questioned several of the younger Biden’s associates about his business dealings abroad – which hasn’t been limited to his work for Ukrainian gas company Burisma, but has also included an examination of his lobbying efforts and business relationships in China, Kazakhstan and elsewhere.

As for Hunter’s work with Burisma, prosecutors are examining how capital flowed through an LLC called Rosemont Seneca Bohai before making its way to Hunter. Prosecutors have been looking into Hunter’s use of several corporate entities, and have been examining whether the First Son used them to try and “obscure” his tax liability.

For example, prosecutors are looking into a payment from Kazakhstan banker Kenges Rakishev who wired $142,300 to Rosemont Seneca earmarked “for a car”. Biden used the money to purchase a Fisker sports car.

Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China, including his partnership with an oil tycoon, and his stake in a Shanghai private-equity firm (which he reportedly held alongside individuals with close ties to the Chinese government), have also come under close scrutiny.


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