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Dem Strategist Wakes Up: We Need To Stop Being “The Party Of Wokeness And Moral Condescension”

Authored by Steve Watson via,

A leading Democratic strategist has slammed the Party for pandering to radical leftists and alienating regular Americans.

Julian Epstein said during a FOX News interview, “there is a deeper cultural problem with the left and with the Democratic Party.”

“It’s a party of wokeness and it’s a party of moral condescension,” he further explained.

“Your previous segment where you’re talking about immigration, what the left has done is they have said to people, if you disagree with us on open borders, then you’re a bad person,” Epstein added.

He continued, “And what that has done is it has caused the left to shut its ears and to stop listening to people. And it’s made it a lot dumber.”

“It makes them feel good amongst themselves. It helps them achieve social status amongst fellow progressives,” he succinctly outlined.

“It has made them a lot more tuned out to what the country is saying and it has made them ineffective. And I think, and a big reason I think for the [election] loss,” Epstein added. 

“And what the Democrats have to do is cast away this sort of culture of moral condescension and talking down to people and start listening,” the strategist advised.

“We talked about this with all the expression of the use of the words fascism and end of democracy,” he continued, adding “People just tuned out to that stuff. They don’t believe it and they don’t like the moral condescension.”

“I think, as I said, the candidates were wrong. And I think that the Democrats are going to have to do things like going on Joe Rogan’s podcast,” Epstein urged, adding that “the fact that you had a few woke staffers inside the Harris campaign saying it might offend fellow progressives going on is lunacy.”

Couldn’t have put it better ourselves.

What the strategist says about immigration is a prime example.

If you look back to fifteen, twenty, twenty-five years back, Democrats were saying more radical things about immigration than Trump does.

This clip of Hillary Clinton from 2008, for example, has been doing the rounds on X this week.

Joe Rogan and his bros played the clip and broke down just how much of an illusion this new cultural position of the Democratic Party is.

There are plenty of other clips like this, including Bill Clinton and Obama saying the same things, proving that the Overton window has massively shifted.

Democrats have lost their grip on reality.

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