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The Great (Freedom) Reset Has Begun

Submitted by QTR’s Fringe Finance

The global economy, and more importantly, the entire world as we know it, is about to undergo a seismic shift toward freedom. In this article, I wanted to lay out why I believe this to be, how it will happen, and why I think this week may have marked step one of a long journey in the right direction.

That journey eventually ends in the dethroning of the likes of globalists, with the head of that snake represented by the likes of Klaus Schwab, central banks, and the lobotomized far left maniacs that have lobbied for “Great Reset” that eventually results in the loss of one or more (read: all) of our civil liberties and our current quality of life.

By now you probably know that Javier Milei, an outspoken and eccentric libertarian, has won Argentina’s presidency after promising to aggressively tackle inflation, shutter the country’s central bank, end woke culture and significantly reduce government.

Garnering 55.69% of the vote he crushed the center-left candidate Sergio Massa. Milei’s victory signals a bold new direction for South America’s second-largest economy that Milei has called Argentina’s “reconstruction”.

Most important and least mentioned this week is that under the wild exterior, Milei has it where it counts: he has two masters degrees and has “been a professor of macroeconomics, economics of growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists” with specializations in economic growth. He has held prominent roles in various financial and government sectors, too. He was the chief economist at Máxima AFJP, a private pension firm, and at Estudio Broda, a financial advisory. He also consulted for the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and was a senior economist at HSBC Argentina.

In other words, the “bold” financial ideas aren’t just bluster. They just seem like that to the rest of the world because Milei knows the actual solution to his nation’s problem just happens to be starkly different from the path it (and many other nations) have gone down.

The event was covered heavily in the news because of Milei’s outspoken demeanor and explosive personality, but something far more meaningful is taking place under the surface. In my opinion, Argentina is the first of many dominoes that will fall, leading the world toward a new “Great Reset”—one that prioritizes liberty and freedom instead of big governments and collectivism.

Some people I have spoken with this week believe that Argentina is too small of a country to make a global difference. They believe that the country’s government will gridlock with Milei in office, and that even if the country finds success from smaller government, pro-liberty policies, and a focus on Austrian economics, it won’t be meaningful enough to move the needle on a global scale.

While these people are probably right regarding the dollar amount that Argentina contributes to global GDP, they are wrong from a philosophical perspective. Argentina isn’t going to drive global change via monetary brute force. Instead, it’s going to be an ideological example that the rest of the world can watch unfold successfully, in turn becoming a beacon of the prosperous path for the rest of the world to follow.

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Argentina is in a unique position because it is essentially having a great reset of its own. The country is in the midst of overhauling its entire financial system and adopting the US dollar, and it is considering stripping its government down to the studs. Furthermore, its new president is one of the very few Austrian economists in recent history to take the reins of a major country in the world’s purview.

In other words, Argentina is literally going to put libertarian principles—small government, sound money, economic fundamentals, and personal freedom—into practice. It’s the world libertarian petri dish for the next few years and the rest of us can, and will, watch very closely. We’re all about to get some real-world, tangible clinical study results about the right versus left debate we’ve been having for decades. If Argentina fails spectacularly, it will be a warning to the rest of the world about these policies. But if Argentina becomes a raging success, it should serve as a lesson on which policies function best in practice.

All I can say is I hope 2024 voters in the U.S. are watching closely. The Argentina stock market soared on Monday after Milei was elected, already lending optimism to the notion that libertarian principles stoke a vibrant, free market economy.

In the United States, less regulation and less taxation would likely stoke the same type of response. In fact, we saw it with the Trump tax cuts years ago: the market rallied what felt like every single day of the beginning of Trump’s presidency, due to the expectation of the economic benefit of these policies. Now, at a time when most Americans are struggling financially, this lesson needs to be paid attention to more now than ever.

In short, if you want the stock market to go up, vote for less regulation and less taxation. While the Republican party has played along with the central banks’ charade just as much as the Democrats, it is certainly the better of the two parties when it comes to eliminating red tape and unleashing the nation’s economy.

The timing of Argentina’s election is tough to ignore. In some respects, it feels like they are just several more years down the road than the US is. If you look at what I believe to be the biggest problems with the United States economy—namely, that it is bloated, spending is beyond repair, and we are abusing our privileges as the world’s reserve currency and overclocking the fiat currency machine —it seems pretty simple to draw a straight line to a financial disaster similar to the inflationary one that Argentina has suffered. Everybody knows what the fixes for the problem are—less spending and conservative monetary and fiscal policy—but nobody has the balls to implement it.

Argentina is about to give us a lesson on what libertarian courage can do for an economy.

And it isn’t just the economy in the United States that feels like it’s on the verge of breaking. Society feels more precarious now than it has ever been. The divide between parties, and the polarization in the United States, feels like it is at all-time highs.

I had poignant conversation with a gentleman in his 60s at a bar I went to over the weekend. After exchanging pleasantries, our conversation turned to a breezy chat about the state of our nation. The man immediately stopped and looked at me, his tone and demeanor changing starkly just seconds after the topic came up. He looked me in the eye and said that he feels as though, in our lifetime, we are going to see another major terrorist attack on our nation. But, he said, the only difference between such attacks in the past and today is that he was certain there would be an entire faction of Americans that would actually celebrate an attack on their own home country.

In other words, a large portion of the nation has simply lost its love and its reverence for what the United States stands for.

And it isn’t just the economy in the United States that feels like it’s on the verge of breaking. Society feels more precarious now than it has ever been— the divide between parties, and the polarization in the United States, feels like it is at all-time highs.

I had an appointment conversation with a gentleman in his 60s at a bar I went to over the weekend. After exchanging pleasantries, our conversation turned to a breezy chat about the state of our nation. The man stopped and looked at me, his tone changing and demeanor changing starkly just seconds later. He looked me in the eye and said that he feels as though in our lifetime, we are still going to see a major terrorist attack on our nation. He said the only difference between attacks that happened years ago and today is that he was certain there would be an entire faction of Americans that would actually celebrate an attack on their own home country. In other words, a large portion of the nation has simply lost its love, and its reverence for what the United States stands for.

Sadly, I almost instantly agreed with him. After watching the bizarre left-wing reaction to the October 7 attacks in Israel, I can’t help but believe that he’s right. The left has gone so far left, they don’t even know what they are fighting for anymore.

Like a dog chasing its tail, they have wound themselves up and become so dizzy and drunk on the narcissism of virtue signaling and “social activism”, they have completely lost their compass. All they know is that they will protest the country and capitalism during the day, and then go out and enjoy the spoils of both by night. It is an unrelenting, crystal clear exercise in hypocrisy that we see every day just by turning on social media or the news.

In any relationship, there has to be a baseline level of respect and courtesy.

Friendships and intimate relationships are constantly tested but the ones that last survive because they have a baseline level of respect that allows for the space to work through complex problems using critical thinking and dialogue. The far left has lost that baseline of basic respect and gratitude for what the nation has provided them. They are disgusted by the flag, they don’t stand for the national anthem, and they are actively working to unwind the basic functions our founders built the nation on that made it such a success story to begin with.

That type of wanton disrespect elicits a response in kind not just from Republicans, but also from people that are left-leaning centrists.

Milei got the votes of his country’s centrists running on that basic level of courtesy and respect for moral laws, the laws of his nation, human rights, and freedom. When the center-left pushes against the far left, the result is libertarianism or conservatives getting elected.

And our center-left in the United States is already pushing against our far left. Many lifetime Jewish Democrats are rethinking their relationship with the party after many of its members chose to back Palestine and tacitly stick up for Hamas after October 7. Even Senator John Fetterman, who is one of my least favorite politicians and is hardly a centrist in my opinion, has pushed back against his own party for their radical views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Mike Johnson were part of a bipartisan committee that came together in a show of support for Israel. The house officially censured Representative Rashida Tlaib for her remarks about Palestine. And finally, the proof is in the pudding: new polling shows Donald Trump pulling ahead of Joe Biden in the race for office in 2024.

Argentina feels like it is a country that has hit the same inflection points, both socially and economically, that the United States is heading for. Their solution was to elect a man that would, as I mentioned above, “strip the country back down to the studs”. That expression is important because it doesn’t mean demolish the whole house, which is what the far left wants to do. It is instead analogous to stripping down a house to the bare foundation that can still hold it up structurally.

Our nation’s structure is our constitution, which ensures our freedom and liberty. Libertarians and conservatives are the two parties that generally want to do away with any gratuitous and unnecessary additions to our nation’s founding principles. Ergo, it is easy to make a case for why our nation may elect a conservative president in 2024. If they don’t, it just means our nation hasn’t learned its lesson yet, and it may take four more years and more social and economic austerity to get that point across. But at some point in time, our nation will have a “straw that breaks the camel’s back” moment and we will wind up with a political reset the likes of which Argentina just put into place.

If Argentina thrives in coming years, it’ll be easier to make the case that it has arrived at the right decision, the best practices for a nation are the ones that we put into place in 1776 and that mostly everything else has been counterintuitive, inefficient, wasteful, or pointless.

The important thing is that with the bifurcation of the world and many individual nations at the widest it’s ever been, if Argentina winds up a success, it will serve to be an example for everyone else looking to change the path their respective nation is heading down.

And in a world that left-wing lunatics would happily turn over to a globalist government, the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum, Milei’s forthcoming marks as president of Argentina may wind up going down in history as the proverbial silver bullet that frees the world from the tyrannical grasp of collectivism.

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QTR’s Disclaimer: I am an idiot and often get things wrong and lose money. I may own or transact in any names mentioned in this piece at any time without warning. Contributor posts and aggregated posts have not been fact checked and are the opinions of their authors. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any stocks or securities, just my opinions. I often lose money on positions I trade/invest in. I may add any name mentioned in this article and sell any name mentioned in this piece at any time, without further warning. None of this is a solicitation to buy or sell securities. These positions can change immediately as soon as I publish this, with or without notice. You are on your own. Do not make decisions based on my blog. I exist on the fringe. The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in this page. These are not the opinions of any of my employers, partners, or associates. I did my best to be honest about my disclosures but can’t guarantee I am right; I write these posts after a couple beers sometimes. Also, I just straight up get shit wrong a lot. I mention it twice because it’s that important.



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