Authored by Chris Martenson via,
Dr. Robert Malone discusses his book “Psywar,” exploring fifth-generation warfare, psychological operations, narrative control, societal impacts, and the challenges of discerning reality in a manipulated information landscape.
Like all of us, Dr. Robert Malone and his wife Jill had to grope around for understanding during the early days of Covid. What began as a diligent effort to help the world cope with a novel disease, soon turned into a disconcerting series of discoveries and unpleasant personal and professional experiences.
Dr. Malone’s journey toward understanding the true origins and purposes of Covid and into the public eye began with a phone call in early January 2020. A retired CIA operative alerted him to a novel coronavirus in Wuhan, prompting Malone to mobilize his team to assess the threat.
His rapid assessment of the coronavirus landscape revealed the bleak history of vaccine development for coronaviruses, promptly leading him to focus on drug repurposing as a more viable strategy.
However, Malone immediately encountered unprecedented resistance to publishing his findings on drug repurposing. He recently told me in the podcast (lined here and below) that “it was exceedingly difficult to get anything published concerning drug repurposing for this particular virus,”
As our conversation unfolded, Malone shared how his realization of the broader forces at play developed. One thing led to another, policies contradicted known facts, vaccine harms were buried, and there was no official curiosity in challenging any of this or doing better.
He soon discovered that these weren’t errors, but reflected a coordinated effort to control the narrative, a strategy that had been pre-planned, as evidenced by exercises like Event 201. This realization was a turning point for Malone, marking his entry into the realm of psychological operations, or “Psywar,” as he titled his latest book.
Covid, you see, was an opportunity for a hodge-podge of government agencies and affiliated private corporations to practice weaponized narrative control. The tools of their trade are ridiculously powerful, especially when directed against people who are highly educated and/or utilize abstract thinking as part of their professional lives.
The entire suite of activities fits under the umbrella of 5th-generation warfare where the target is your mind, the very basis of perception.
The topics of ‘misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation’ are some of the terms of the trade, while nudging, shadowbanning, bad jacketing, sockpuppets, and censorship are a few of the tactics and tools.
Malone has done a deep dive into 5th-generation warfare illuminating coordinated efforts to delegitimize dissenting voices and how these tactics were being deployed globally, particularly against those questioning the mainstream COVID-19 narrative.
It was both impersonal and very personal. “It destroyed my consulting business,” he told me in our interview.
It both targeted everyone impersonally, but also specifically ruined the careers of many dissident voices.
Throughout our discussion, Malone emphasized the importance of understanding the tools and tactics of psychological warfare. “Does it provide immunity to know what’s being done to you?” he pondered, with the conclusion being that while awareness may not offer complete protection, it certainly helps in coping with immunizing against the psychological impact of such operations.
PsyWars are very real, ongoing, and certain to become ever more powerful as AI supercharges and shortens the learning cycle of the manipulators. Much of their campaigns to distract, distort and confuse is either completely automatic, or soon will be.
And the effects are devastating. Families have been torn apart as political differences are now juiced by weaponized information tactics. Workplaces have fractured. Trust is eroded and sometimes gone, as is the case with my own trust in the medical system.
None of that was organic, a point Robert and I discuss in this podcast.
Key Data
There are over 7,000 peer-reviewed publications on overcoming vaccine hesitancy, illustrating the extensive research into messaging strategies.
The Trusted News Initiative was reoriented in 2019 to manage disinformation about vaccines, highlighting preemptive narrative control efforts.
The deployment of psychological warfare technology against citizens challenges the concepts of free agency and consent to the governed.
Individuals may struggle to discern reality from manipulated narratives, leading to increased skepticism and distrust.
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